by 8-Bit Star

-------Wow, another obligatory pre-story-------
-------rant. Do people really read these?-----

Final Origin is my third and final attempt to
write an origin story for my characters, Frog, Pennywinkel,
and Mademanna. It is devided up into three "Sagas"
(Because I'm a recently converted DBZ fan) and was
originally posted on the Acorn Cafe Story Board
( on a one-episode-per-
week basis.
The first Saga, the Frog Saga, introduced Frog and
his Robot-who-seems-human sister, Mademanna. Frog tried
to defeat the Rangers in battle, but ended up fainting
due to a hit on his head. It turned out he was really
under control of an evil ring.
The second saga, the Pennywinkel Saga, introduced,
who else? Pennywinkel, a super genious with a multidimensional
brain, who was also under the evil influence of a ring,
which we learned was issued by an evil metallic mouse
named Miles Alpha. Mademanna also ended up telling the
Rangers the history of herself and her two friends,
revealing they were all from another universe.
This Saga is the ultimate conclusion of Final Origin!

The Alpha Saga was originally posted on the
Acorn Cafe Story Board in the months of December 2001
and January 2002.

------And here's the Table of Contents------

(Notes: Episodes 1-6 were the Frog and
Pennywinkel Sagas)

-------Now prepare for the Beginning-------
-------Of the End...-----------------------



Pennyinkel was still seemingly angry when Miles
left. Gadget, in concern, walked up to her and asked
"Are you all right?"
Almost immediately, Pennywinkel seemed to soften
up, and laugh, and said "Sure! Never felt better in
my life! I wouldn't let a small matter like being
played for a fool get to me."
"Right-o!" Frog said, unintentionally imitating
Monty, "What matters is that when he comes back, we'll
beat him left and right and right some more!"
"Frog," Pennywinkel said, looking him right in
the eye, "Look what universe we're in. Last time we
had help. This time, there is no Goku, no Piccolo,
not even a Krillin."
Chip came forth, and said to Pennywinkel "Well,
we may not have extremely high power levels or be named
after musical instruments and cooking machines, but
we do have *these*." He held up the four wands and
their instructions. Pennywinkel grabbed and quickly
read through the instructions, then asked "Where did
you get these?"
"We found them on our doostep, just before
Mademanna arrived. We thought you people had something
to do with it. But apparently..." Chip was now considering
a new idea, which sounded totally rediculus, but seemed
to be the only option left.
Pennywinkel looked again at the instructions, and
said "Hey, wait, there's something else written here. I'm
going to need to dip this in water to read it though."
Pennywinkel walked over to a nearby pond, and did was she
said she would do. As she had said, there was more writing
which was revealed with this technique, the same technique
which had annoyed several StarTropics fans in the early 90s.
Pennywinkel read the new message aloud, "the wielder
of the Red or Black Wands may find himself in a time for
desperate measures. If it happens, simply say the word
of power, 'Gundark'."
"What kind of word is that?" Dale wondered sarcastically.
"Well, at least now we know it. But we should find
Miles and destroy him before anything major happens."

Miles, however, had already gotten a good head start.
There was a plan behind his actions of weeks ago, when he
had gotten lucky, and managed to find both Frog and Pennywinkel
asleep (or unconscious) somewhere in the park. Getting them
on his side had been easy. He simply had to slip on the rings,
and then say to their unconscious forms whatever it was he
wanted them to believe.
Frog he had regarded as a preliminary distraction. The
only guy who had ever defeated him was now chasing down his
own sister, for a secret she did not have. Also he felt the
heroes of this universe would probably be wrapped up fighting
Frog, and even if they found out about the ring, he expected
they still wouldn't trust him for a short while, and he was
almost right.
Pennywinkel he had regarded as a reserve, to be used
only if the need arose. Her efforts didn't have the expected
payoff--she had only bought him about an hour, whereas Frog
had bought him a whole week--but it was still long enough
of them fighting each other and no one really knowing what's
going on that he was able to complete his project without a
He smiled at the memory, wishing he could do it again
for the record, but he had another matter to attend to.
He waved his arms...

...and caused a hole in the fabric of reality.
The Rangers saw this, and wondered "What is going on?"
Pennywinkel looked up, and said "Nothing much, he's
just summoning the Klimakti."
Chip turned to Pennywinkel and said "How can you say
this isn't much? Didn't they scorch the last world you were
"Yes, but in that instance, we weren't exactly expecting
them. This time, we know who we're dealing with and what we
should do."
"Why are you so confident?"
"Because I've already worked out a plan, if you're willing
to hear it."
"Well, first we penetrate his base, where that is will
soon be revealed by the law of Badguys Can't Keep Secrets.
Undoubtably it'll be a tall building of some sort..."
She didn't get a chance to finish stating her plan,
however, because at that part she was interrupted by what
seemed to be some sort of flyng robot warrior, who demanded
"You! Stay where you are!"
Pennywinkel and Chip looked around, and discovered they
were surrounded by dozens of such warriors.
"You are under arrest by the high order of Miles Alpha!
The charge is conspiracy."

You can probably guess what's going to happen in
the next episode, but *please* tune in next week and see
Episode VIII - Crunch, same next week, same Story Board.

-------Still with us, are ye? Time for--------
-------Episode Eight---------------------------



The Rangers were surrounded by flying robot
warriors, known as the Klimakti.
"I repeat, you are under arrest on the charge
of conspiracy! You can come quietly and make it
easier on yourselves."
Frog and Pennywinkel weren't psychic, but they
seemed to be thinking among the same lines, because
at the same time, they both began charging up large
energy blasts. This time, Frog was firing off a blue
one while Pennywinkel was firing off a Kamehameha.
The other Rangers were anywhere between tense
and excited, but Chip, having analyzed these two kids
as much as possible, figured that this would be a
tight mess that would soon be no more. We watched
with confidence as Pennywinkel charged up her blast,
...and missed.
Frog's blast fared considerably better, he had
chosen to do some sort of frost attack, which caused
the machinations on his side to freeze, fall, and
Chip excitedly asked "Why did you miss?"
Pennywinkel quickly answered "Because I wasn't
aiming for those two, I was aiming for Miles!"
Before Chip could ask her to explain, the two
remaining Klimakti grabbed him and her, and flew off
with them, stating that they'd send another troop out
to get the others. It didn't matter, because Chip
soon understood anyway, when he saw the building
Pennywinkel had hit with her blast: A tall skyscraper
with a lightning rod on top like these buildings like
to have. Chip understood well the minute he noticed
that the building was radiating a dark glow.
Now what he wondered was why Pennywinkel wasn't
doing something *now*.

The other Rangers had seen Pennywinkel and Chip
being taken away, and knew they couldn't really do
anything about it, so they decided to use this opportunity
to run and form a plan. They wanted to run back to
headquarters, but Gadget (who I'm supposing takes over
the planning when there's a decidedly sufficient lack
of Chip) said "No! They'll expect us to do that! Into
the bushes!"
So Frog, Mademanna, and the remaining Rangers ducked
into the nearby bushes.
Then Gadget asked "So, does anybody have a plan?"
Frog thunked, and said "Well, I know what Pennywinkel
would want us to just destroy that big ol' building over
there, the one that's glowing darkly over there."
"Hmmm," Gadget thought, "Is that his headquarters?"
"I suppose."
"Then we better go there and rescue our friends first."
"Yep, better be gettin ourselves underway. Head towards
any glowing buildings you see. Do not pass go, do not collect
two hundred dollars, which is a very measly amount of money
anyway." Frog rambled as he left the bushes and walked towards
said building.

Pennywinkel and Chip eventually realised they were being
carried to the very top of the building when they saw the spire.
"So," Chip said, "You're just gonna drop us?"
"No, creature, you miss the point." The Klimakti who
said this lifted his free hand and pointed a finger at the
spire, shooting out a huge blast of lightining. This somehow
destroyed the top of the building, the top floor of which was
now visible, and which the flying robot warriors proceeded to
land in with their two prisoners.
It appeared that, prior to their arrival and the destruction
of this building's top, Miles and some other Klimakti had been
clearing the rest of this floor and redesigning it. It now
appeared to be some sort of stadium.
Chip and Pennywinkel were dropped in front of Miles
himself, who commented "Excellent work. Where are the others?"
"We blew them to smithereenies." Pennywinkel said
"Oh, I see. Pennywinkel, I'm willing to forgive your
betrayal if you'll come back to me. Just let me slip on this
ring," He grabbed her hand to do the deed, but she immediately
pulled it away, and punched the guy, then kicked him while he
was stunned. A Klimakti was about to apprehend her before
she did anything else, but Miles commanded "Halt! I want
to handle these two personally." And he took off his overcoat.
Pennywinkel decided to do the same, as all the dead weight
would get in her way.
Chip decided to back away, not sure he could help.
Reaching into his jacket to scratch an itch, he felt the
wands he had been keeping in a pocket. He didn't say
anything, however, and began to formulate a plan.
Pennywinkel got the first attack, and seemed like
she would just keep pummeling the guy, as she was always
one step ahead, knowing all his moves before he made them.
Chip was beginning to think he wouldn't be needed.
Pennywinkel wasn't so certain. She remembered that
even Frog had managed to break free of being constantly
attacked, and had no doubt about Miles' ability to do
the same. True to her thoughts, Miles did, and retaliated
with a Ki (energy) blast.
Pennywinkel deflected it with a force field, but
it kept coming. Chip wondered if now he would be needed.
Forgetting for a moment his ultimate plan, he pointed the
red wand at Miles and yelled "Ice!"
Miles saw this, and stopped pressing his attack in
order to avoid being frosted, as he feared what might happen.

"Frog, what exactly is Miles up to?" Gadget asked
as they ran towards the building.
"He's a science-based demon from another reality,
Now, his breed of demons is a self-sustaining one: The
more of his kind there are, and the darker they make the
world, the more powerful he, the leader, is."
"So you're telling me he's trying to make the world
a dystopia?"

As Miles had dropped his attack, Pennywinkel also
dropped her shield and threw an energy blast at Miles. The
blast lasted for three seconds, but that was enough time
for Chip to prepare his plan. He pulled out the red wand,
aimed it at Miles, and yelled "Gundark!"
Miles found himself trapped in a multi-layered
trap. He was surrounded by fire pillars which rose to
the sky, and descending frost. Among that, shafts of
lightning were coming down all around him. Chaos was
ensuing, and as far as he could tell, the world was
falling apart.
Chip used this time and threw the black wand to
Pennywinkel, not quite sure why he had done that, as he
had no idea wether or not she knew Japanese. He was
relieved, but not particularly astonished, that in fact
she did, as she started singing a Japanese song she knew
(For the curious, it's the theme to Slayers Next).
Out of the wand came what looked kinda like a
Ragna Blade. A long, black blade of pure magical energy.
Those kinds of things are vewy, vewy powerful, in fact
the warranties have started saying "We will not take
responsibility for letting an idiot use this. Thank
Miles began to use his Ki to disperse the chaos
that had been caused by Chip's use of the red wand,
when in the middle of doing so he was just narrowly
missed by Pennywinkel's swing of her new weapon.

Frog and co. arrived at the bottom of the
building, at the main entrace, where they were
confronted by Klimakti who recognized them as
criminals to be captured or killed.
"Halt! Surrender immediately or be destroyed!"
Frog powered up another frost blast, but before
he could let loose, the muscle in his left leg pulled,
and he collapsed in a fit of pain.
The Klimakti decided to use this opportunity
to attempt a capture...

I know, I'm finally getting to the good part,
but the good stuff will have to be in *next* week's
Episode IX - Penetration. Got that?

-------And now for the not-so-anticipated------
-------Episode Nine of the Alpha Saga----------



Frog had fallen due to a pulled muscle, and
was about to be captured by two Klimakti, when suddenly
Gadget asked "Hey, how intelligent are you people,
The Klimakti stopped in their steps, and one
of them answered "My dear, we are all-knowing entities.
Ask any question, and we can answer it."
With a clever smile, she asked "Which came first,
the chicken or the egg?"
The two Klimakti started considering this question.
Unable to fathom an answer, they began to get more and
more agitated. Finally, they got so irritated and confused
that they shattered after an internal explosion.
Frog managed to get up, and said "Heh, everyone
knows eggs were layed by dinosaurs long before chickens
even existed."
"That's not a proven fact," Gadget said, then
she noticed all the chaos at the top floor and added
"Come on, we're in a hurry."

The inside of the building looked like what the
inside of a building typically looks like when you just
walk through a door. It looked like a lobby.
"So, where do we start, luv?" Monty asked.
"We've got to get strait to the top floor." She
responded, informing him of the fireworks she had seen
outside. "The best way would be through the elevators."
"Umm, excuse me," Frog said, "But I saw the
top, too, and it looked to me like it had been blown
off. Somehow, I don't think the elevators would work
that well."
Gadget sighed, realising he was right, and that
it was going to be a long climb up a flight of stairs.
Well, they found some on the other end of the room, and
started climbing.

All the way up to the fourth floor, they had
narrowly dodged being stepped on by former humans who
had been turned into monsters by the Klimakti. Fortunately
in this case, all the demons were leaving the building,
perhaps to create more demons. This would make the climb
a lot easier.
On the fifth floor, the group ran into a Klimakti
patrol, and initially Gadget tried to see if they could
sneak past, but her attempt failed due to a misplaced
soda can.
One Klimakti signalled an intruder alarm, the
other two went to apprehend Gadget, but were stopped
by Frog, Monterey, and Dale (Though Dale didn't help
that much). Demons continued walking out via the
stairways and also (as Gadget noticed) using the
"Hey guys!" She said, "Frog was wrong, the
elevators work!"
Monterey, who had managed to choke-hold one
of the Klimakti, sarcastically commented "That's nice,
luv. Did ya find a copy of Sun Tzu's The Art of War
as well?" He then called out "Frog! Do that frost
thing you did earlier!"
Frog, who was fighting the other Klimakti, called
back "Just pull it's head off!" Ironically, just as he
said that, his Klimakti jumped at him, and Frog almost
on impulse cut off it's robot head. Monterey saw this,
and proceeded to follow Frog's advice.
Okay, so Dale *did* do something useful. Ya
know that Klimakti that sounded an alarm? Well, Dale,
thinking "Oh no ya don't!" climbed up on a table and
pushed a vase on that guy.
Then, on Gadget's command, they all followed
her into an open elevator, where Zipper did one of the
few useful things he *can* do, and pressed the button
to go to the 100th Floor.
The thing started moving, and the group decided
to use this time to rest. They all sat down.
The silence was broken by Frog mumbling "This
is heck, but I know it'll all be worth it..."
"What are ya talking about, lad?" Monty wondered
"Oh, my secwet ambition," Frog sayeth, "I think
I'll explain. Now, as I sayeth, I from another universe.
Now, creating a universe is very simple: There simply
needs to be an existing description or portrayal of it.
There is one universe I would love to get to, however,
but that I have yet to enter. It's called the Wishing
"The Wishing Universe is made up of one planet which
is like the Earth I came from (Before it got bad) but with
two differences: One, there are no native inhabitants
whatsoever, and two, there is an island there that does
not exist on my earth. On this island, is a drawn circle
which is where newcomers arrive (That way they don't appear
off in space or anything) next to this circle, there is
this floating book with a red cover and blue-glowing pages
that are too bright to read, which doesn't matter because
there's nothing written on them anyway.
"That book is what I want."
"Why?" Gadget asked.
"Because that book will grant you any wish you
want, with no limits and no strings attached, unless of
course you attach them yourself. There are all sorts of
things I would do if I could go there, but for some reason,
not even Portalmaster has been able to take me there. Ya
see, my Dad, who programmed the PM, wasn't sure it was a
real universe, after all, I created it and was the one who
wrote the description, so dad didn't program it in. So I've
tried many less-than-scientific means of getting there, but
nothing has worked."
"How sad," Gadget commented, "We could really use
that right now."
"And after getting rid of Miles, we could use the
Book to have fun, just as long as none of us make ourselves
Gods or anything."
Just then, something started trying to break through
the elevator floor, pounding hard and rythmatically. Eventually
a human-sized, demon- looking hand made it through the floor,
and started reaching around, probably for little chunk of Ranger.
First it reached in the direction of Gadget, then Monterey Jack,
then Frog (Zipper was safely flying and Mademanna was hiding in
a corner with Dale). All the while, they heard lots of growling.
Frog was the first one bold enough to try anything,
noticing some veins in the arm. He figured if he could
cut the veins, the monster would lose the use of it's
arm and fall. So when it grabbed for him again, he used
his sword and tried to cut the veins, but demon skin isn't
that easy to penetrate, and Frog didn't even scratch the
right area, anyway.
Backing away, he wondered if he should try again,
but this time with a cutting energy wave. Worth a try,
he thought, so he tried it, taking a few seconds to
charge up.
However, his energy wave barely even phased the
monster's hand, much less cut it.
"Face it," he said to himself, "I'm just too small."
But he no longer had to worry, because the elevator
suddenly came to a stop, the suddenness of it all had apparently
caused the monster to lose his grip, as the arm disappeared
through the whole it made, and they heard a cry that quickly
got farther and farther away.
The elevator door opened to a shocking sight: The
it had stopped between floors! They couldn't reach floor
100, but could get out now and be on floor 99.
"Well, why not?" Frog thunked. "Okay, everybody
A sudden jolt almost tripped everybody, and they all
asked "What was that?"
Except Gadget, who had the answer. The elevator's
rope had been strained too much by the weight of that monster,
and had started to break! Either that or something had tampered
with the line to produce these exact results, but in any case
they better evacuate.
The line started snapping more and more quickly, until
finally it was on it's last thread...

Tune in next week for Episode X - Reign of the Klimakti,
the next-to-last episode of Final Origin: The Alpha Saga.

-------It's the Almighty episode X! (Okay,----
-------ten, but X sounds cooler)---------------


"This is Stan Blather reporting. Small mechanical
aliens that can fly have as of late been going all around
town, turning everyone and everything into kill-crazed
monsters. No one knows what these things want, or why,
or even when it will stop. This world is hoping for a
As he cried out, Stan Blather was seen, on national
television, turning into a demon such as he described. When
he became fully transformed, he started doing mindless acts
of violence, starting by destroying the camera.

Frog, Gadget, Monty, Dale, Zipper, and Mademanna,
however, were not there to see it, as they were in an elevator
which had almost gotten them to the top floor, but then stopped,
and they discovered that it's rope was breaking. Finally it
was on it's last thread, and finally, that snapped, and the
elevator plummeted.
But that didn't bother it's former inhabitants,
who had jumped onto the 99th floor when they first realized
something was wrong. The elevator may have fallen, but they
were on steady ground, and thus were totally safe.
Sighing in relief, Gadget said "All right, let's
continue on." Then she noticed Frog.
Frog was charging up another Ki blast. Gadget
had no idea what for, as she saw no one but them on this
particular floor, but she decided he must know what he's
doing, so she left him to his devices while leading the
rest of the group up a flight of stairs.
Just before reaching them, however, they heard
Frog fire the blast, and, wondering what at, they turned
to look. It turned out, he had blown a whole in the
above floor. Afterwards, he jumped through it, impressing
everyone yet again.
After Frog had gone, the rest of the group continued
up the stairs.

Miles and Pennywinkel, and now Chip using the wands,
were caught off guard by the sudden blast from below, even
moreso when Frog, of all people, jumped through the hole made
by the blast, and landed facing Miles. Gadget and the others
made it up the nearby stairs only a moment later.
Frog opened up with a challenge, "Rime ror a rematch,
"Oh, so it is. Do you honestly think you can defeat
me again?"
"Sure, whyeth noteth? Last time you fought like a
born loser, and it took no effort at all."
"Oh, but that was last time. This is now."
"Whatever thou sayeth." Frog said, and then he did
a dashing slash at the guy. It missed.
Pennywinkel called out "Frog! He has gotten better!
I've been fighting him for about an hour now!"
"What?! An hour?!"
Miles attacked Frog while he was distracted by this
shocking news, and downed him. At this, Miles laughed gleefully.
"Yes, an hour," he said, "And in that hour, while you
people were busy trying to kill me, I've been slowly but surely
dominating this planet. Look!"
He destroyed what was left of the wall using magic, and
everyone looked. What they saw was demons, demons, and more demons,
standing in the streets and on buildings--or rather, sitting there,
just sitting. From every last one of them some dark pillar of
magic rose to the sky.
"What is this?" Gadget asked, dismayed.
"Those, young lady, are my demons, serving their purpose.
What they do, is draw power from the Earth, and transmit it to
me via those pillars. And with all the people of this city alone,
I am a worthy opponent. With everyone and everything on this
planet giving me power, I will be invincible!"
Frog interrupted, "Yea yea, whatever. When I beat you
all the way to Texas, your demons will return to normal and
all your Klimakti will rot and crumble, among other pleasant
"Oh, I almost forgot about you," Miles said, then he
jump-kicked at Frog, who managed to block it with his sword.
Miles flipped off and landed, taking a few seconds to consider
his next attack.
Pennywinkel suddenly threw the black wand back to
Chip, who caught it, and then she said "Frog, do a Kamehameha,
I'll frost him, and Chip is going to use the wands!"
"Right, fine Pennywinkel." Frog sheathed his sword,
cupped his hands, and started charging up another kamehameha.
He didn't get anywhere with it, however, because Miles had
expected something like this, and had started chanting a
Fireball, which he threw at that moment, causing a blinding
flash of light and fire.
He also dodged to the left, when Pennywinkel jumped
and retaliated by throwing her hammer which, while a clever
ploy, was one he had expected.
Chip was afraid of how those flames could seriously
hamper the way the game was going, and was throwing frost
left and right, especially towards areas where he could
see people standing.
He needn't have worried, however, as Miles used his
own frost to clear away all the fire. When he did, everyone
who was there could see the black lightning coming from the
sky and striking into Miles' body, empowering him.
Suddenly, Frog threw a smaller fireball, intended
to merely distract Miles, then yelled to Chip "Use Gundark,
Chip acknowledged the request, pointed both the wands
at Miles, and yelled "Gundark!"
The red wand made it's usual chaotic mix of fire,
frost, and lightning ensue. The black wand, however, sent
a wave of darkness twirling, moving, spreading, acting as
if it were alive, all over the battlefield, mingling with
the fire pillars, the frost breezes, and even the lightning
bolts in a compounded, uncontrolled assault. Before Chip
could wonder what kind of mistake he had made, everybody,
including Miles "I'm really really powerful now!" Alpha,
hit the deck, fearing for their lives...

To find out how I conclude this way over-extended
fight scene, you're going to have to tune in next week for
the absolute last episode not only of the Alpha Saga, but
for the whole of Final Origin: Episode XI - He Who Writes
the World. Does that compute?

-------Did you think Final Origin would-------
-------never end? So sorry to disappoint-----
-------all of you who wanted more-------------



While the space of chaos in which the participants
of the battle were ducking under seems big to rodents, to
humans it is small. To rodents this top floor is vast and
expansive, to humans its not half the size of a golf course.
While the fighting had been ensueing, Mademanna
had been walking to the farthest edge of the top floor of
this building, walking what would have been mere feet for
a normal girl, but what was miles to a girl the size of a
When she got to the edge, far away from the heat
of battle, to where she just barely knew what was going
on, she sat down.
She looked at the world, at all the monsters and
demons that Miles had let out, at all the things that
were being destroyed, and how black the sky was becoming
as the Klimakti continued their reign of terror.
She then decided to try something no one had thought
of. At this moment, in the background, could be heard the
playing of the theme song to "The Hobbit."
"Mr. Writer?" She said, "I don't know if it's true,
but Frog tells me that one universe's fiction is that universe's
reality, and so..."

Back on the field of battle, Frog had had the same
idea, and he said "Listen, buster, I dunno if you can hear
me, I can barely hear myself, but I know you're out there.
After all, *Someone* gave the Rangers those wands, and it
wasn't any of us! Anyway, I want to ask you something..."

In fact, everyone was catching the idea. The next
person was Pennywinkel, who said "Look, I've been fighting
this guy alongside my friends new and old for hours, and
he is just too powerful. I hate to say it, but I--we--need
help, not only to destroy this guy, but to fix everything
he's changed or destroyed..."

"I know, I normally don't resort to this kind of
stuff," Chip said to himself, "But, whatever ruling dieties
that exist, please do *something*! Me and my friends have
faught monsters and demons before, but they were never like

"I admit, I've never prayed before, but I guess
desperate times call for desperate measures," Gadget said,
"But please, show us some sort of sign..."

"Lady luck," Monty said, "Please show us ya haven't
abandoned us. Show us yer pretty smile, grant us a lucky
break, or *somethin'*..."

"Hey, whatever universe Frog came from, think ya
can send *me* some superpowers? Or at least give us
Kablammo Man?" Dale prayed.


Well, I dunno what kind of answer the Rangers expected
to get, but, no offense, it's pathetic to see known heroes
asking for this kind of help, especially since some of them
are atheists. I'm not sure if they could have actually gotten
a *real* diety, what they did get was me, a lowly up-and-coming
writer of fanfiction. These being my characters in my fanfic
universe, I had no choice *but* to help them. The only hard
part was deciding how (Having too many options is sometimes
just as bad as having too few).
I looked over the situation, analyzed it, and decided
on the best course of action...
... I erased that unholy mess those wands had created...
... I turned all the monsters back into what they used
to be...
... I wrote it so that everything that had been broken
or destroyed was magically repaired...
... and most importantly, I made the Klimakti explode
like a nuked Psygnosis lemming.
The only thing left was Miles Alpha.

Everyone got up, wondering what the heck happened,
awed at how everything seemed like it was back to normal.
Miles was noticing this too, trying to put it all
together, to figure out exactly how this could happen.
"This can't be!" He exclaimed, "This is impossible!" He
turned, and was about to make a getaway, then he discovered
"Oh no! I've lost my power to fly!"
Realization striking his terrified self, he slowly
turned around, and saw Frog, who had an impish little smirk
on his face. At this point, all sounds had ceased, being
replaced solely by the theme song to "The Last Unicorn"
which was still playing in the background, only louder
Frog wasted no time, he unsheathed his sword, ran
up, and then started hacking, slicing, stabbing, thrusting,
and generally putting as many holes in Miles Alpha as he
could, faster that you could see.
He kept doing this, on and on, and on, for about
a full minute, though it seemed like longer to those present.
Then finally he stopped, and everyone noticed Frog's sword
was shining.
Frog mouthed out something, but it could not be heard,
he continued doing this while making:
A diagonal downward Right-to-left slash.
A diagonal downward left-to-right slash.
A left-to-Right slash.
A right-to-left slash.
An upward diagonal right-to-left slash.
And finally, upward diagonal left-to-right slash.
Miles Alpha stood there for a second or two before
falling into six pieces, all of which made a small explosion
and ended up looking like a Filmation computer effect.
Frog sheathed his sword triumphantly, then fell
over, and fainted in exhaustion. And the theme song
to "The Last Unicorn" finally ended.

He awoke to find himself back in the Ranger Headquarters,
in one of the spare bedrooms. His backpack (Which contained
a laptop, a tape recorder, and some books and assorted survival
gear) was sitting in a corner. He got up, and decided he wanted
a drink.
Walking into the kitchen, however, meant passing the
room with the television. He sneaked by without being noticed,
but in turn noticed that they were watching his tapes of Dragon
Ball and Dragon Ball Z. Deciding not to comment at this time
(best to wait until a fight scene) he ducked into the kitchen,
got himself a glass of water, and then ducked out.
Seeing that it was at a fight scene (And, this being
Dragon Ball, how often is it *not* at a fight scene?) he made
his presence known and asked "You guys doin' research?"
Chip paused the tape at a part where Piccolo was
on the screen, and said "Hey Frog, you told Dale you trained
with these guys, and I've noticed similar fighting abilities
and attacks. So, why haven't we seen you anywhere in here?"
"'Cuz me goin' there createth an alternate timeline.
What yer seein' is the main Dragon Ball universe--least as
far as the anime goes." He went on to explain the whole
shebang about anime and manga and how some events happen
in the anime that don't happen in the manga.
"Well," Chip said, "Think these guys could give
*us* some pointers?"
"Yer gonna have to take 'em from the screen. Even
Pennywinkel has been unable to manually open a portal to
other universes. Usually they open by theirselves, and
we don't always decide to use 'em."
Dale suddenly got out of the sofa, and ran outside.
As it was extremely unusual for Dale to leave in the middle
of a movie except to get popcorn, Chip asked "Where're ya
"To train! I gotta raise my power level!"
"Dale, it's just a--" he almost said "Just a TV
show," but then he remembered Frog, and said "Well, all
right. Come to think of it, I'll join you." Chip got
up, and joined Dale outside. Followed by Monty (who
wanted to see it work, and crack at it himself) and
Gadget (who wanted to see it work *and* scientifically
analyze it) and finally Zipper (who just wanted to see
it work). Leaving only Frog, Pennywinkel, and Mademanna
in the room, and Mademanna was asleep on Pennywinkel's
shoulder. Frog sat down next to Pennywinkel, sarcastically
commenting "Perhaps they'll figure out how to fly before
the night is over."
"You never know. No one says its impossible."
"Good point." Frog stopped the tape, knowing
that the Rangers were gonna be out too long just to
leave it paused, and he also shut off the TV.
... Hesitant silence...
... More hesitant silence...
... I'm doing it again...
... Finally, Frog asked "So how did they watch,

Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm glad
this story has finally come to a close. I dunno about
you guys, but I was starting to worry when all that
chaotic stuff started happening. Still, no one says
this is the end of Frog, Pennywinkel, Mademanna, or
their adventures with the Rangers. Who knows, we may
see them again, perhaps in a fanfic which is more story
and less fighting.

Okay, I know this story is junk and this ending
is a huge disappointment, but be glad it's over.


-------And now a not-so-obligatory post--------
-------ending rant-----------------------------

First off, the whole DBZ-Style "Lots of fighting
but no real plot" thing was intentional. I mean, the
whole point of this was to *introduce* my characters and
have them resolve a situation with the regulars, not to
write an intelligent work of art. I'll save the character
development for a *real* fanfic. Besides, this level of
junkiness may earn it a MiSTing.

Anyway, First off, I'm glad I'm finally done and
hope you liked it. I liked writing it, if only because
I had the right music and a useful amount of Coke.

And first, I can't count to "Second."

Now onto the *real* "First":

First, I'll answer the question: Why do I tack on
these rants? Well, it's because I always feel I need to talk
about these things after writing them. It's like an emotion:
You bottle it up, and it only hurts you. I figured to some
people these rants make me seem egotistical, and perhaps I am,
but still, those who don't want to read this can safely skip
it, so it's not like it's a bad thing. Besides, we all like
to ramble.

When Final Origin started out, it was originally
meant to be the third and final origin story for my characters,
as I have mentioned several times. My first attempt at an
origin story was called "Tripping Through the Rangerverse."
which suffered from being my first ever story to be posted
on the internet, meaning that I had no real idea what I was
getting into. An example of this is that I would usually
forego descriptions, thinking that they were boring and only
hampered the story. While I myself skim through them, others
like to read them (Which is why the book "The Magic of Recluce"
sold well enough to garner seven sequels) and they also added
some cohensibility and allowed people to easier imagine and
therefore immerse theirselves in the story. There were many
other things Tripping suffered from, not the least of which
was having no cohensible plot.

My next attempt was in the form of a fanfic called
"Dumb Frog and the Rescue Rangers" which initially was just
as bad as "Tripping" in the descriptions area, but for once
I actually got some constructive negative commentary (I should
note that I have a disposition which is something of an odd
one: I really, really *love* hearing about problems with
fanfics, TV shows, books, games, etc. but absolutely loath
it when any of those wind up getting nothing but praise, even
my own stuff) and therefore learned that I should improve my
descriptions. However the actual fanfic suffered still, and
suffered many of the same problems "Tripping" did. These
problems include:
*The actual story was still in the formulative stages
in my brain. Concepts were just being realised in my mind,
and that hurt when I tried to apply them, as they didn't
work as well as they should have. For example, Mademanna
was first introduced halfway through "Dumb Frog and the
Rescue Rangers" (DF&TRR from now on) but I never really
developed her (Admittedly, her portrayal hasn't fared much
better in Final Origin--She mostly acted as a plot gimmick).
And also there were "Power ups" and such things which would
usually be introduced but then not ever be mentioned again.
*In fact, Mademanna could have appeared in Tripping,
except as I said, I didn't really have any basic story outside
of "Frog fights Pennywinkel" (who was really evil back then).
Probably for the better. The Mademanna back then was *not*
anything like Mademanna now, but the entire thing suffered
from having no plot outline.
*Before I had started writing fanfiction, I had
learned about "Mary Sues." Now, I'm a paranoid little
maniac, and therefore tried to do things to appeal to
Ranger fans in order to avert Mary Sue-dom, but it would
always backfire. For example, in Tripping, there was
an "episode" called "Omega the Invincible" in which a
robot invented by Pennywinkel comes to capture Frog, and
ends up fighting Monterey Jack. At the time, I figured
"This'll probably appeal to Monty fans," but when I looked
again, I realised how unfathomably stupid it actually was.
The lesson here is that if something was not meant to be
a certain way, you shouldn't try to force it. DF&TRR were
even worse--Frog ended up being mostly dead weight and
rarely doing anything meaningful.
*I also would always try to spice things up here
and there. DF&TRR had episode-capping joke segments (okay,
those weren't so bad...) and "Find the Reference" games.
I somehow doubt anyone really looked, and those that
did probably found them easily as well, except for those
who thought the "Magical Candycane" was some sort of
not-very-clean reference :).

Self-criticism is sometimes good, too. Final
Origin itself went through many stages before finally
being written and saved in it's current form. At first
it was a strait-forward story with barely any character
development where the thing seemed like a tangled rush
(Basically "Frog arrives, goes on case with Rangers, finds
out old friend is involved"). It was also initially hampered
by me wanting elements introduced in DF&TRR to make a return
appearance. Fortunately, the only one that did was Mademanna.
I ultimately developed three main rules for a new Origin
1. It must make mention of Frog and co. being
from another universe, and also mention Pennywinkel's
multidimensional thought.
2. By the end, Frog must be living with the Rangers.
3. Also by the end, Pennywinkel must be at least
a grey-area character. And do it *Convincingly* this time!
(The first two times it had been mostly "Pennywinkel's
defeated, oh, a chit-chat reveals she's not all that bad,
let's watch a movie!")

Not being satisfied with the preliminary FO, I
experienced Ranger burnout, and held off work for months.
Then an idea hit me, and I decided I would simply touch-up
DF&TRR under a different name. I went through the trouble
of copy-and-pasting that disappointment from right off the
Story Board. For awhile, the idea was working, and even
better: The story was branching out in completely different
directions. This version introduced Miles Alpha, who admittedly
was originally supposed to be an attempt at reviving Omega
the Invincible, but ended up being totally different.
Then I saw DBZ, and thought "Hey, wouldn't it be
cool if someone wrote a weekly fanfic?" by that meaning it
would be like the Story Board equivelent of a TV Series:
a new episode every week (and heck, if you wanna emulate
TV even more, let's start having reruns to boot :). I
suggested the idea, and decided to use Final Origin to
test the grounds. Probably wasn't a good test, because
the "Weekly" I was thinking of was an episodic series
(Where there is no continuing story, or if there is, its
running in the background) and Final Origin is a serial
(where the whole show has one continuous plot) but heck,
it's *something*.

Needless to say, thanks mostly to the people
who were nice enough to send me commentary on my fanfiction,
I have to say I definately improved, but my work still
falls under the problem of being influenced by me joining
in new fandoms (*please* tell me you saw the Dragon Ball
influences in this fanfic alone) but at least this time
I knew what I was doing.

Currently I am working on two new fanfic projects.
The first is a comedy/horror called "Rescue Rangers: Mind
Media". The story is a crossover between RR and MST3K
(Didn't you wonder why they *weren't* on my list of Unlikely
Crossovers? :) who get trapped in another universe and are
being hunted by the evil Avatar Character of a twisted fanfic
author, who worst of all is pretending to be me.

My other project is Mind Media 2, a sequel to the
above, where the Rangers are again teleported with the
MST3K guys to an alternate universe, this time they're
trapped in a fantasy realm that seems like it came right
out of a Role-Playing Game. Sadly, this one is a long
way off (Actually, in truth, despite posting Final Origin
on a one-ep-a-week basis, the truth is I wrote the whole
story during the first week, so by the time I actually
post this rant, both the Mind Medias might be written
and submitted to the Ranger Database and

Well, now I've got to go work on the two aboves.
See you next fanfic!

-------The last disclaimer of the Series-------
-------(Well, okay, maybe not the last)--------

Dumb Frog, Pennywinkel, Mademanna, Miles Alpha,
and whatever characters, concepts, plot devices, and
anything else related to these characters were *My*
idea, not Disney's. On the Inverse, the Rescue Rangers
and any characters, concepts, plot devices, and anything
related to *them* IS Disney's idea. Credit where it's
due, folks.

To the Epilogue

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