The Rescue Ranger Word Game

Round One

By Chip Chap

Authors Note: Okay, after several attempts to get myself in a fanfic writing mood, I’ve decided to start making some short works and work my way up. So here is the first thing I could think of writing. It’s based on the Possum Lodge Word Game shown on the New Red Green Show.

The Rescue Ranger word game- round one

Chip and Dale are both sitting on opposite sides of a table. Gadget is facing the audience.

Gadget: Hi everybody! Since there have been a game show parodies lately, we've decided to take one from one "The New Red Green Show" (one of my favorites)! It's fun and educational!

Chip (unenthusiastically): Sure...

Dale: Hey, at least we get prizes.

Gadget: That's right! Today's winner will receive... One Million Dollars...

Chip and Dale jump up in surprise.

Gadget: ... worth of oxygen...

Chip and Dale settle back down.

Chip: I should have known...

Gadget: ...which will be delivered, free of charge, to you by the law of diffusion. It's what takes stuff from one place and spreads it over to places where there isn't as much of it!

Chip (under his breath): Actually that would Dale, just look at his half of the room...

Gadget: All right then. Chip, you have ten clues to get Dale to say this word...

Gadget pulls a little sign that says "criminal" and sets it down so Chip and the audience can see it but Dale can't.

Gadget: All right then... start!

Chip: All right, Dale, as Rescue Rangers it's our job to stop this type of person.

Dale: Angst fic authors! They're always trying to throw us in awful places so that...

Chip (interrupting): No, this is the sort of person that would steal things from someone else because they don't want to work to get it.

Dale: Ohhh... a really lazy angst fic author?

Chip: No, this isn't a type of author. It's another name for a villain like Fat Cat or Klordane.

Dale: Overweight?

Chip: No! This is a cruel and vicious person! This is a lying, sneaky, greedy person with absolutely no morals whatsoever!

Dale: A used car salesman?

Gadget: I'd go with that.

Chip: No! No! NO! These are the types of people we have to fight every day!

Dale: Telemarketers?

Chip (getting angry): You dummy! (gets ready to bonk Dale but stops himself) ... no, I'm not going to hit him... Ahem, Dale this is another name for a villain.

Dale: Ummm... The Phantom Blot?

Chip: Noooo... *how, can I get Dale to say "Criminal"* Okay, Dale, if you see somebody breaking into a bank and stealing lots of money, that person obviously...

Dale: ...went a little overboard on his Christmas spending.

Gadget: I never have that problem because I make my gifts...

Chip: NO! *sigh* Okay, this word is a noun that refers to a bad guy... and it rhymes with “briminal”.

Dale: Ummm... Nimnul?

Chip: Arrrhh!

Gadget: You’ve only got two hints left.

Chip: (Looks at Gadget) Wait a second... if I get him to say the word do I get the prize or does he?

Dale: Yeah, who wins this thing?

Gadget: Golly, I’m not sure... the show never really explained it.

Dale: What?! You mean I have to listen to Chip’s weird clues and I might not even get a prize for this? That’s just criminal!

Chip: He said it!

The scene fades out as Dale starts searching for his million dollars worth of air.

Next round

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