Lena phone home or 2010 A Rescue Ranger Tale

Chapter Two: Explanations

Location: Rescue Ranger HQ ( Imagine this as that cool rolling computer text in movies )

Chip put the glass down on the table and looked at Gadget. ”Finally” He thought ”No disturbances just her and me” He smiled at the thought.
”Why are you smiling?” Gadget asked curiously.
”Nothing....” Chip quickly replied.
Gadget took a sip from her glass while she looked at the chipmunk next to her. ”He’s nervous” She thought. ”But why would he be that, I mean it’s not like it’s the first time whe are alone together. Even if it has been some time now” Her thoughts began to wander.
Chip saw that she had gotten that look she always got when she was thinking hard. He leaned forward and kissed her.
”No thinking tonight.” He said, taking her glass and putting it on the table.
Gadget leaned back, putting her head to rest on Chip’s knee’s. She lay there looking at Chip.
”This is nice.” She said.
”What is?” Chip asked.
”Just being together.” She replied.
Chip slowly caressed Gadget’s long hair.
”Smells good.” He said.
”Mmmm” Whas her only replie.
”Just you, me and....” He started saying.
And at that moment Dale and Foxglove choose to burst through the door.
”..Dale!” Chip finished.
”No....Not Dale” Gadget said with a sleepy voice. ”Just you, me and no one to disturbe us.”
”No, I mean that dale is here!” Chip said to the almost sleeping mouse.
”Oh!” She replied, not sounding very interested. ”Tell him to go away”
Chip was just about to do as she said, when he noticed the figure Dale was carrying and that there was blood both on Dales shirt and on the piece of cloth that covered the figure.
He quickly got up from the soffa and in so doing caused Gadget to fall to the floor.
”Ouch!” She proclaimed as she hit the floor. ”Why did you do that for” She said accusingly.
But then she also noticed the bleeding figure in Dale’s arms.
”Whos that?” She looked at Dale.
”I don’t know. But whe found her a few minutes ago.”
”Here, put her on the soffa.” Chip motioned towards it.
Dale carefully placed the injured fox on the soffa and Gadget went to get the first aid kit she had in her workshop. When she came back Foxglove had already started cleaning the wounds.
”Looks bad.” The bat said, turning towards Gadget.
”I’ll se what I can do” Gadget said as she opened the kit.
After about one hour of cleaning and bandaging Gadget looked up at the two chipmunks now standing on the other side of the soffa.
”I did my best, hope it’s enough.” She said.
”I think she’s waking up” Foxglove said as she bathed the fox’s forehead.
The fox moved sligtly and opened her eyes.
”Anetyla?” She asked looking at them. ”Andinar tylo eramn verti?”
”What’s she saying” Dale aked Gadget.
”I don’t know!” She replied, looking confused.
The fox tried to lift her left arm but didn’t have the strenght to. Thats when they noticed the strange device attached to her arm. It looked like a braclet and it had a small display and some multicolored buttons on it. Gadget was intriged by the device and tried to removed it, but it wouldn’t budge. It was almost as if it was fused to the arm.
”She probably need to rest for some time.” The mouse said. ”I’ll stay with her for now, and take a look at that bracelet” She went to her workshop and came back carrying a small toolbox.
She took a chair and sat down next to the soffa. Gadget took the fox’s arm and place it on it’s chest.
”Let’s se now.” She said as she examined the device.
Chip, Dale and Foxglove stood and looked at Gadget for a moment.
”Well, I don’t know about you guys. But I’m hungry.” Dale said and started walking to the kitchen.
”I’ll help you sweetie” Foxglove said and followed him.
”I can probably eat something” Chip said.
They walked out leaving Gadget alone with the fox. ”probably just as good” The mouse thought. ”I work best when I’m alone anyway”
She took a small probe from the toolbox and began to examine a spot on the braclet where something looking like circuitry was showing. Gadget began slowly feeling her way around the circuits with the probe when suddenly she touched an important line.
*Zaaaap!* A cahrge surged through Gadget making her hair stand up.
”Whoa!” She thought ”Got to be more carefull” She looked down in her toolbox to see if she could find something better to use, when she suddenly felt a paw on her shoulder.
Gadget looked around to see who it was.The fox was awake and looking straight at her while holding her paw on Gadget’s shoulder.
”Nulen arfileran tella!” She said angrily.
She pushed Gadget away and the mouse was surprised that the fox had so much strenght.
The fox got up from the soffa and headed for Gadget’s workshop.
”Hey!” Gadget said while grabbing the fox’s arm.
The fox stoped and turned towards Gadget.
”Nella etay melii” She said soundning sad.
The fox sighed and the next thing Gadget saw was the wall coming towards her very fast as the fox throwed her away. Gadget woke up, slowly opening her eyes and saw the guys standing over her.
”What happened” Chip was sounding worried.
”Hey where is the fox?” Dale wondered.
Gadget steadid herself and got up from the floor. She felt dizzy for a moment and she leaned towards the wall.
”I think she went into my workshop” She said.
”Ok!” Chip said, lets go see what she’s doing.
They went over to the door and from inside they could her something sounding like cursing.
”Yopil!” A loud chrash told them something must have fallen down. ”Aletina! anmeny!”
Although the didn’t understand the words they could her the angry tone.
Chip carefully opened the door and peeked inside. He saw the fox standing there going through Gadget’s collection of spare parts. Chip turned to the others.
”I think we might be able to surprise her.” He said.
Chip counted to three and they bursted through the door only to find some sort of barrier stoping them fro getting any further.
”Hey! Whats this!” Dale said as he rubbed his nose.
GAdget put her paws against the invisible wall.
”Seem to be somesort of energy barrier” She moved her hands allaround the barrier.
”Not quite right.” Someone said.
”Who said that?” Gadget looked around. Her eyes falling at the back of the fox standing over at the workbench.
”Is it really that hard to figure out?” The fox said. ”Then you arn’t as smart as I thought you where.”
”What do you mean by that?” Gadget asked sounding rather angry.
”Ho-w..I mean..why..” Chip stumbled on the words.
”Oh! I just needed to repair my TDT that’s all” The fox turned around, the display on her bracelet glowing softly green.
”But forgive me.” She said when she saw their blank faces. ”I haven’t introduced myself yet”
”The names Lena, Lean Arlayas.” She said.
”And what kind of animal are you?. You look like a fox crossed with a human.”
”Well..” She started. ”I’m not really an animal.”
”Well I still say you look like one” Dale said.
Lena sighed.
”I’m an Yndrian”
”Whats that?” Chip asked.
”Wait” Dale said happily ”Are you an alien?”
Chip looked at him and rolled his eyes.
”Don’t be stupid” He said and bonked Dale on the head.
”Ouch!” Dale looked at Chip ”Why did you do that for?” He said rubbing his head.
”Well technically he’s correct” Lena said, interupting the two chipmunks.
Everyone looked at her.
”So your’e from another planet?” Dale wondered.
”Well, another dimension actually.” She looked at the roof for a moment. ”The 36:th from your’s.” She added.
Again everyone looked at her. Sudenly realising something the fox pressed on the small display of her TDT a couple of times. A shimmer appears where the barrier is and Dale who is leaning towards it falls down when it suddenly disapears.
”Now where was I” Lena says as Dale gets up from the floor. ”Ah! Thats right...If you translate the word Yndrian to your language it would mean fox.”
”Ok! we can understand that.” Chip said. ”But how did you get here?”
”I work on a starship” Lena started ”It’s called the X-15 Eagle”
”But why are you here” Foxgove asked.
Lena thinks for a moment.
”As I said..” She started ”I work on the Eagle and when the captain disapeard a few weeks before launch myself and some friends took the ship and looked for him. He was hovewer in another dimension so we searched until we found him but by then the main component of the dimensional engine was so damaged that we couldnt get back to the higher dimensions, Our own that is, so whe pressed the engine to the max and ended up here in your dimension. On earth we found some substances that could help us fix the engine but when whe landed to obtain them someone was waiting for us and whe had to run. I fell and my TDT broke, thats why you couldn’t understand me, It’s got a translator in it. Something in it must have shortcircuted and made me this small and thats how I cam here.”
”What was the substance you where looking for?” Gadget asked
”I think it’s called ice-cream here.” The fox said.

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