Stainless Steel Rat's stories


Deleted Scenes and Sidestories

Authors note: Set during the canon episodes.

On the design of rodent scale Pulse drive Single Stage to Orbit (SSTO) vehicles
Short Description: Deleted scene from 'Out to Launch', exploring the detailed workings of some of what occurred.

Chip Maplewood and the Last Cherryade
Short Description: A side-story to the episode 'Parental Discretion Retired'. The 'munk in the hat is back, and this time he's brought his... okay, Monty's father. Part of the Indiana
Jones rip-off... I mean homage sequence.

Chip Maplewood and the Kitchen of Doom
Short Description: A 'deleted scene' from 'Last Train to Cashville'. Dale got sleepy and then carried away in a laundry basket, and the Rangers have to save him before he gets his Hawaiian shirt washed, with him still in it! Also makes vague references to a certain action film trilogy.

Foxglove in Love
Short Description: A possible 'deleted scene' from 'Good Times, Bat Times'. Why did Foxglove fall so hard for Dale?

Battier Times
Short Description: Yet another 'deleted scene', from 'Good Times, Bat Times.' How did Winifred really get from the laundrette to prison? We explore one possible option.


The Stainless-verse Stories

Authors note: Set in my own continuation universe. The Rangers doing what they do best, and doing it better than ever.

Rangers of the Lost Car-park
Chapter Two, Three, Four
Short Description: Set soon after the series. A simple mission to retrieve a lost toy turns into a epic adventure, and a rematch agaoinst an old enemy. Involves more Indiana Jones homages.

The Donutters
Part Two
Short Description: Someone is stealing supplies from Mom's Diner. What
sinister plot is being hatched, and by whom?

Foxglove Wa Otaku Desu
Short Description: Donutters side story. Why is Foxglove not seen after 'Good Times, Bat Times', despite her friendship with Dale? What does she have to hide?

On a Wing-nut and a Prayer
Part Two, Three, Four
Short Description: Gadget has been invited to take part in an all animal air race in Japan, the same one her father had won twice previously. Will it be a Hackwrench Hat-trick? Chock full of aircraft hangers, cliff hangers, gangers, combat scenes, evil schemes, laser beams, vengance, jet engines, ninjas, hinges, Fat Cat singes, projectiles, fighting styles, missiles, air miles, rescue missions, thrust co-efficients, wild rides, the Princess Bride, derring do, derring don't, derringers, Rescue Rangers, mysterious strangers, deadly peril, true love... Maybe you should just read it!
Website Maintainers Note: Now just wait a minute here! That wasn't short at all!


Rescue Rangers Role Playing Game

Authors note: Set in an AU devised for a post by post RP. Here the Rangers split up after the series, and get back together two years later.

The case of the mind controlled moll – A Charles Maplewood story
Part Two
Short Description: After the Rangers broke up, Chip was forced to go solo. This is one of his cases.

Stranger Rangers
Short Description: Collaboration with CCC. Chip has a dream... or is it real?


Silly stand alone stuff

Authors Note: Various nutty ideas that don't fit anywhere else.

Layabout is Fair Play
Short Description: Continuation of Dave White's Clean Sweep. Never get an inventor with a transformation ray mad.

Foxglove's Magic Show
Part Two, Three
Short Description: Dale wants to see some stage magic, and Foxglove decides to oblige him, with Gadget and Tammy as her beautiful assistants.

Who'll Come A Huntin'?
Short Description: A song concerning Monty's culinary craftsmanship, based on a certain Australian anthem.

Who Do You Think You Are?
Short Description: A song where Chip and Dale fight over who should be leader of the Rangers. Based on the same song from the Sailor Moon album, 'Luna Rock'.

Gadget beside herself
Chapter Two
Short Description: (incomplete)

No Need for Rangers
Short Description: (very incomplete)


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